

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Recollect \Rec`ol*lect"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Recollected};
   imp. & p. p. {Recollecting}.] [Pref. re- + collect: cf. L.
   recolligere, recollectum, to collect. Cf. {Recollet}.]
   1. To recover or recall the knowledge of; to bring back to
      the mind or memory; to remember.

   2. Reflexively, to compose one's self; to recover
      self-command; as, to recollect one's self after a burst of
      anger; -- sometimes, formerly, in the perfect participle.

            The Tyrian queen . . . Admired his fortunes, more
            admired the man; Then recollected stood. --Dryden.
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