

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Recite \Re*cite"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Recited}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Reciting}.] [F. r['e]citer, fr. L. recitare, recitatum;
   pref. re- re- + citare to call or name, to cite. See {Cite}.]
   1. To repeat, as something already prepared, written down,
      committed to memory, or the like; to deliver from a
      written or printed document, or from recollection; to
      rehearse; as, to recite the words of an author, or of a
      deed or covenant.

   2. To tell over; to go over in particulars; to relate; to
      narrate; as, to recite past events; to recite the
      particulars of a voyage.

   3. To rehearse, as a lesson to an instructor.

   4. (Law) To state in or as a recital. See {Recital}, 5.

   Syn: To rehearse; narrate; relate; recount; describe;
        recapitulate; detail; number; count.
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