
P regia

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Spoonbill \Spoon"bill`\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
   (a) Any one of several species of wading birds of the genera
       {Ajaja} and {Platalea}, and allied genera, in which the
       long bill is broadly expanded and flattened at the tip.

   Note: The roseate spoonbill of America ({Ajaja ajaja}), and
         the European spoonbill ({Platalea leucorodia}) are the
         best known. The royal spoonbill ({P. regia}) of
         Australia is white, with the skin in front of the eyes
         naked and black. The male in the breeding season has a
         fine crest.
   (b) The shoveler. See {Shoveler}, 2.
   (c) The ruddy duck. See under {Ruddy}.
   (d) The paddlefish.
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