
New Zealand sassafras

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Sassafras \Sas"sa*fras\, n. [F. sassafras (cf. It. sassafrasso,
   sassafras, Sp. sasafras, salsafras, salsifrax, salsifragia,
   saxifragia), fr. L. saxifraga saxifrage. See {Saxifrage}.]
   An American tree of the Laurel family ({Sassafras
   officinale}); also, the bark of the roots, which has an
   aromatic smell and taste.

   {Australian sassafras}, a lofty tree ({Doryophora Sassafras})
      with aromatic bark and leaves.

   {Chilian sassafras}, an aromatic tree ({Laurelia

   {New Zealand sassafras}, a similar tree ({Laurelia Nov[ae]

   {Sassafras nut}. See {Pichurim bean}.

   {Swamp sassafras}, the sweet bay ({Magnolia glauca}). See
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