

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Insecta \In*sec"ta\, n. pl. [NL. See {Insect}.]
   1. (Zo["o]l.) One of the classes of Arthropoda, including
      those that have one pair of antenn[ae], three pairs of
      mouth organs, and breathe air by means of trache[ae],
      opening by spiracles along the sides of the body. In this
      sense it includes the Hexapoda, or six-legged insects and
      the Myriapoda, with numerous legs. See {Insect}, n.

   2. (Zo["o]l.) In a more restricted sense, the Hexapoda alone.
      See {Hexapoda}.

   3. (Zo["o]l.) In the most general sense, the Hexapoda,
      Myriapoda, and Arachnoidea, combined.

   Note: The typical Insecta, or hexapod insects, are divided
         into several orders, viz.: {Hymenoptera}, as the bees
         and ants; {Diptera}, as the common flies and gnats;
         {Aphaniptera}, or fleas; {Lepidoptera}, or moths and
         butterflies; {Neuroptera}, as the ant-lions and
         hellgamite; {Coleoptera}, or beetles; {Hemiptera}, as
         bugs, lice, aphids; {Orthoptera}, as grasshoppers and
         cockroaches; {Pseudoneuroptera}, as the dragon flies
         and termites; {Euplexoptera}, or earwings; {Thysanura},
         as the springtails, podura, and lepisma. See these
         words in the Vocabulary.

Neuroptera \Neu*rop"te*ra\, n. pl. [Nl., fr. gr. ? nerve + ? a
   wing, fr. ? to fly.] (Zo["o]l.)
   An order of hexapod insects having two pairs of large,
   membranous, net-veined wings. The mouth organs are adapted
   for chewing. They feed upon other insects, and undergo a
   complete metamorphosis. The ant-lion, hellgamite, and
   lacewing fly are examples. Formerly, the name was given to a
   much more extensive group, including the true Neuroptera and
   the Pseudoneuroptera.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     n : an order of insects including: lacewings; antlions;
         dobsonflies; alderflies; fishflies; mantispids;
         spongeflies [syn: {order Neuroptera}]
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