
M Azadirachta

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Margosa \Mar*go"sa\, n. [Pg. amargoso bitter.] (Bot.)
   A large tree of genus {Melia} ({M. Azadirachta}) found in
   India. Its bark is bitter, and used as a tonic. A valuable
   oil is expressed from its seeds, and a tenacious gum exudes
   from its trunk. The {M. Azedarach} is a much more showy tree,
   and is cultivated in the Southern United States, where it is
   known as {Pride of India}, {Pride of China}, or {bead tree}.
   Various parts of the tree are considered anthelmintic.

         The margosa oil . . . is a most valuable balsam for
         wounds, having a peculiar smell which prevents the
         attacks of flies.                        --Sir S.
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