
Leuciscus alburnus

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Bleak \Bleak\, n. [From {Bleak}, a., cf. {Blay}.] (Zo["o]l.)
   A small European river fish ({Leuciscus alburnus}), of the
   family Cyprinid[ae]; the blay. [Written also {blick}.]

   Note: The silvery pigment lining the scales of the bleak is
         used in the manufacture of artificial pearls. --Baird.

Ablet \Ab"let\, Ablen \Ab"len\[F. ablet, ablette, a dim. fr. LL.
   abula, for albula, dim. of albus white. Cf. {Abele}.]
   A small fresh-water fish ({Leuciscus alburnus}); the bleak.
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