
Leitneria floridana

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Corkwood \Cork"wood`\ (k[^o]rk"w[oo^]d`), n.
   1. The wood of the cork oak. [Obs.]

   2. Any one of several trees or shrubs having light or corky
      wood; esp.:
      (a) In the United States, the tree {Leitneria floridana}.
      (b) In the West Indies: (1) Either of the cotton trees
          {Ochroma lagopus} and {Pariti tiliaceum}. (2) The tree
          producing the aligator apple. (3) The blolly.

資料來源 : WordNet®

Leitneria floridana
     n : very small deciduous dioecious tree or shrub of damp
         habitats in southeastern United States having extremely
         light wood [syn: {corkwood}, {corkwood tree}]
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