
Left-handed screw

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Left-handed \Left"-hand`ed\, a.
   1. Having the left hand or arm stronger and more dexterous
      than the right; using the left hand and arm with more
      dexterity than the right.

   2. Clumsy; awkward; unlucky; insincere; sinister; malicious;
      as, a left-handed compliment.

            The commendations of this people are not always
            left-handed and detractive.           --Landor.

   3. Having a direction contrary to that of the hands of a
      watch when seen in front; -- said of a twist, a rotary
      motion, etc., looked at from a given direction.

   {Left-handed marriage}, a morganatic marriage. See

   {Left-handed screw}, a screw constructed to advance away from
      the observer, when turned, as in a nut, with a left-handed
      rotation. An ordinary wood screw is right-handed.
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