
Leet ale

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Leet \Leet\, n. [LL. leta. Cf. F. lit de justice a solemn
   sitting of the king in Parliament, L. lis, litis, a lawsuit,
   It., Sp., & Pg. lite.] (Eng. Hist.)
   A court-leet; the district within the jurisdiction of a
   court-leet; the day on which a court-leet is held. --Shak.

   Note: The original intent of the court-leet was to view the
         frankpledges or freemen within the liberty; hence
         called the view of frankpledge. Latterly it has fallen
         into almost entire disuse. --Burrill. Warren's

   {Leet ale}, a feast or merrymaking in time of leet. [Obs.]
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