
Leach brine

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Brine \Brine\, n. [AS. bryne a burning, salt liquor, brine, fr.
   brinnan, brynnan, to burn. See {Burn}.]
   1. Water saturated or strongly impregnated with salt; pickle;
      hence, any strong saline solution; also, the saline
      residue or strong mother liquor resulting from the
      evaporation of natural or artificial waters.

   2. The ocean; the water of an ocean, sea, or salt lake.

            Not long beneath the whelming brine . . . he lay.

   3. Tears; -- so called from their saltness.

            What a deal of brine Hath washed thy sallow cheecks
            for Rosaline!                         --Shak.

   {Brine fly} (Zo["o]l.), a fly of the genus {Ephydra}, the
      larv[ae] of which live in artificial brines and in salt

   {Brine gauge}, an instrument for measuring the saltness of a

   {Brine pan}, a pit or pan of salt water, where salt is formed
      by cristallization.

   {Brine pit}, a salt spring or well, from which water is taken
      to be boiled or evaporated for making salt.

   {Brine pump} (Marine Engin.), a pump for changing the water
      in the boilers, so as to clear them of the brine which
      collects at the bottom.

   {Brine shrimp}, {Brine worm} (Zo["o]l.), a phyllopod
      crustacean of the genus {Artemia}, inhabiting the strong
      brines of salt works and natural salt lakes. See

   {Brine spring}, a spring of salt water.

   {Leach brine} (Saltmaking), brine which drops from granulated
      salt in drying, and is preserved to be boiled again.
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