

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Holm \Holm\, n. [OE., prob. from AS. holen holly; as the holly
   is also called holm. See {Holly}.] (Bot.)
   A common evergreen oak, of Europe ({Quercus Ilex}); -- called
   also {ilex}, and {holly}.

Holm \Holm\, n. [AS. holm, usually meaning, sea, water; akin to
   Icel. h[=o]lmr, holmr, an island, Dan. holm, Sw. holme, G.
   holm, and prob. to E. hill. Cf. {Hill}.]
   1. An islet in a river. --J. Brand.

   2. Low, flat land. --Wordsworth.

            The soft wind blowing over meadowy holms.

   {Holm thrush} (Zo["o]l.), the missel thrush.
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