
Hole and corner

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hole \Hole\, n. [OE. hol, hole, AS. hol, hole, cavern, from hol,
   a., hollow; akin to D. hol, OHG. hol, G. hohl, Dan. huul
   hollow, hul hole, Sw. h[*a]l, Icel. hola; prob. from the root
   of AS. helan to conceal. See {Hele}, {Hell}, and cf. {Hold}
   of a ship.]
   1. A hollow place or cavity; an excavation; a pit; an opening
      in or through a solid body, a fabric, etc.; a perforation;
      a rent; a fissure.

            The holes where eyes should be.       --Shak.

            The blind walls Were full of chinks and holes.

            The priest took a chest, and bored a hole in the
            lid.                                  --2 Kings xii.

   2. An excavation in the ground, made by an animal to live in,
      or a natural cavity inhabited by an animal; hence, a low,
      narrow, or dark lodging or place; a mean habitation.

            The foxes have holes, . . . but the Son of man hath
            not where to lay his head.            --Luke ix. 58.

   Syn: Hollow; concavity; aperture; rent; fissure; crevice;
        orifice; interstice; perforation; excavation; pit; cave;
        den; cell.

   {Hole and corner}, clandestine, underhand. [Colloq.] ``The
      wretched trickery of hole and corner buffery.'' --Dickens.

   {Hole board} (Fancy Weaving), a board having holes through
      which cords pass which lift certain warp threads; --
      called also {compass board}.
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