

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Ho \Ho\, Hoa \Hoa\ (h[=o]), interj. [Cf. F. & G. ho.]
   1. Halloo! attend! -- a call to excite attention, or to give
      notice of approach. ``What noise there, ho?'' --Shak.
      ``Ho! who's within?'' --Shak.

   2. [Perhaps corrupted fr. hold; but cf. F. hau stop! and E.
      whoa.] Stop! stand still! hold! -- a word now used by
      teamsters, but formerly to order the cessation of
      anything. [Written also {whoa}, and, formerly, {hoo}.]

            The duke . . . pulled out his sword and cried
            ``Hoo!''                              --Chaucer.

            An herald on a scaffold made an hoo.  --Chaucer.

Ho \Ho\, Hoa \Hoa\, n. [See {Ho}, interj., 2.]
   A stop; a halt; a moderation of pace.

         There is no ho with them.                --Decker.
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