
Hirundo or Chelidon urbica

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Martin \Mar"tin\, n. [F. martin, from the proper name Martin.
   Cf. {Martlet}.] (Zo["o]l.)
   One of several species of swallows, usually having the tail
   less deeply forked than the tail of the common swallows.
   [Written also {marten}.]

   Note: The American purple martin, or bee martin ({Progne
         subis, or purpurea}), and the European house, or
         window, martin ({Hirundo, or Chelidon, urbica}), are
         the best known species.

   {Bank martin}.
   (a) The bank swallow. See under {Bank}.
   (b) The fairy martin. See under {Fairy}.

   {Bee martin}.
   (a) The purple martin.
   (b) The kingbird.

   {Sand martin}, the bank swallow.
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