
Hippotragus equinus

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Roan \Roan\, a. [F. rouan; cf. Sp. roano, ruano, It. rovano,
   1. Having a bay, chestnut, brown, or black color, with gray
      or white thickly interspersed; -- said of a horse.

            Give my roan a drench.                --Shak.

   2. Made of the leather called roan; as, roan binding.

   {Roan antelope} (Zo["o]l.), a very large South African
      antelope ({Hippotragus equinus}). It has long sharp horns
      and a stiff bright brown mane. Called also {mahnya},
      {equine antelope}, and {bastard gemsbok}.
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