
Hibiscus syriacus

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

   {Rose de Pompadour}, {Rose du Barry}, names succesively given
      to a delicate rose color used on S[`e]vres porcelain.

   {Rose diamond}, a diamond, one side of which is flat, and the
      other cut into twenty-four triangular facets in two ranges
      which form a convex face pointed at the top. Cf.
      {Brilliant}, n.

   {Rose ear}. See under {Ear}.

   {Rose elder} (Bot.), the Guelder-rose.

   {Rose engine}, a machine, or an appendage to a turning lathe,
      by which a surface or wood, metal, etc., is engraved with
      a variety of curved lines. --Craig.

   {Rose family} (Bot.) the {Rosece[ae]}. See {Rosaceous}.

   {Rose fever} (Med.), rose cold.

   {Rose fly} (Zo["o]l.), a rose betle, or rose chafer.

   {Rose gall} (Zo["o]l.), any gall found on rosebushes. See

   {Rose knot}, a ribbon, or other pliade band plaited so as to
      resemble a rose; a rosette.

   {Rose lake}, {Rose madder}, a rich tint prepared from lac and
      madder precipitated on an earthy basis. --Fairholt.

   {Rose mallow}. (Bot.)
      (a) A name of several malvaceous plants of the genus
          {Hibiscus}, with large rose-colored flowers.
      (b) the hollyhock.

   {Rose nail}, a nail with a convex, faceted head.

   {Rose noble}, an ancient English gold coin, stamped with the
      figure of a rose, first struck in the reign of Edward
      III., and current at 6s. 8d. --Sir W. Scott.

   {Rose of China}. (Bot.) See {China rose}
      (b), under {China}.

   {Rose of Jericho} (Bot.), a Syrian cruciferous plant
      ({Anastatica Hierochuntica}) which rolls up when dry, and
      expands again when moistened; -- called also {resurrection

   {Rose of Sharon} (Bot.), an ornamental malvaceous shrub
      ({Hibiscus Syriacus}). In the Bible the name is used for
      some flower not yet identified, perhaps a Narcissus, or
      possibly the great lotus flower.

   {Rose oil} (Chem.), the yellow essential oil extracted from
      various species of rose blossoms, and forming the chief
      part of attar of roses.

   {Rose pink}, a pigment of a rose color, made by dyeing chalk
      or whiting with a decoction of Brazil wood and alum; also,
      the color of the pigment.

   {Rose quartz} (Min.), a variety of quartz which is rose-red.

   {Rose rash}. (Med.) Same as {Roseola}.

   {Rose slug} (Zo["o]l.), the small green larva of a black
      sawfly ({Selandria ros[ae]}). These larv[ae] feed in
      groups on the parenchyma of the leaves of rosebushes, and
      are often abundant and very destructive.

   {Rose window} (Arch.), a circular window filled with
      ornamental tracery. Called also {Catherine wheel}, and
      {marigold window}. Cf. {wheel window}, under {Wheel}.

   {Summer rose} (Med.), a variety of roseola. See {Roseola}.

   {Under the rose} [a translation of L. sub rosa], in secret;
      privately; in a manner that forbids disclosure; -- the
      rose being among the ancients the symbol of secrecy, and
      hung up at entertainments as a token that nothing there
      said was to be divulged.

   {Wars of the Roses} (Eng. Hist.), feuds between the Houses of
      York and Lancaster, the white rose being the badge of the
      House of York, and the red rose of the House of Lancaster.

Althaea \Al*th[ae]"a\, Althea \Al*the"a\, n. [althaea, Gr. ?.]
   (a) A genus of plants of the Mallow family. It includes the
       officinal marsh mallow, and the garden hollyhocks.
   (b) An ornamental shrub ({Hibiscus Syriacus}) of the Mallow

資料來源 : WordNet®

Hibiscus syriacus
     n : Asiatic shrub or small shrubby tree having showy bell-shaped
         rose or purple or white flowers and usually 3-lobed
         leaves; widely cultivated in temperate North America and
         Europe [syn: {rose of Sharon}]
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