

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Heterodox \Het"er*o*dox\, a. [Gr. ?; ? other + ? opinion; cf. F.
   1. Contrary to, or differing from, some acknowledged
      standard, as the Bible, the creed of a church, the decree
      of a council, and the like; not orthodox; heretical; --
      said of opinions, doctrines, books, etc., esp. upon
      theological subjects.

            Raw and indigested, heterodox, preaching. --Strype.

   2. Holding heterodox opinions, or doctrines not orthodox;
      heretical; -- said of persons. --Macaulay. --
      {Het"er*o*dox`ly}, adv. -- {Het"er*o*dox`ness}, n.
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