

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

She \She\, pron. [sing. nom. {She}; poss. {Her}. or {Hers}; obj.
   {Her}; pl. nom. {They}; poss. {Their}or {Theirs}; obj.
   {Them}.] [OE. she, sche, scheo, scho, AS. se['o], fem. of the
   definite article, originally a demonstrative pronoun; cf. OS.
   siu, D. zij, G. sie, OHG. siu, s[=i], si, Icel. s[=u],
   sj[=a], Goth. si she, s[=o], fem. article, Russ. siia, fem.,
   this, Gr. ?, fem. article, Skr. s[=a], sy[=a]. The possessive
   her or hers, and the objective her, are from a different
   root. See {Her}.]
   1. This or that female; the woman understood or referred to;
      the animal of the female sex, or object personified as
      feminine, which was spoken of.

            She loved her children best in every wise.

            Then Sarah denied, . . . for she was afraid. --Gen.
                                                  xviii. 15.

   2. A woman; a female; -- used substantively. [R.]

            Lady, you are the cruelest she alive. --Shak.

   Note: She is used in composition with nouns of common gender,
         for female, to denote an animal of the female sex; as,
         a she-bear; a she-cat.

She \She\, pron. [sing. nom. {She}; poss. {Her}. or {Hers}; obj.
   {Her}; pl. nom. {They}; poss. {Their}or {Theirs}; obj.
   {Them}.] [OE. she, sche, scheo, scho, AS. se['o], fem. of the
   definite article, originally a demonstrative pronoun; cf. OS.
   siu, D. zij, G. sie, OHG. siu, s[=i], si, Icel. s[=u],
   sj[=a], Goth. si she, s[=o], fem. article, Russ. siia, fem.,
   this, Gr. ?, fem. article, Skr. s[=a], sy[=a]. The possessive
   her or hers, and the objective her, are from a different
   root. See {Her}.]
   1. This or that female; the woman understood or referred to;
      the animal of the female sex, or object personified as
      feminine, which was spoken of.

            She loved her children best in every wise.

            Then Sarah denied, . . . for she was afraid. --Gen.
                                                  xviii. 15.

   2. A woman; a female; -- used substantively. [R.]

            Lady, you are the cruelest she alive. --Shak.

   Note: She is used in composition with nouns of common gender,
         for female, to denote an animal of the female sex; as,
         a she-bear; a she-cat.

Her \Her\, pron. & a. [OE. hire, here, hir, hure, gen. and dat.
   sing., AS. hire, gen. and dat. sing. of h['e]o she. from the
   same root as E. he. See {He}.]
   The form of the objective and the possessive case of the
   personal pronoun she; as, I saw her with her purse out.

   Note: The possessive her takes the form hers when the noun
         with which in agrees is not given, but implied. ``And
         what his fortune wanted, hers could mend.'' --Dryden.

Her \Her\, Here \Here\, pron. pl. [OE. here, hire, AS. heora,
   hyra, gen. pl. of h[=e]. See {He}.]
   Of them; their. [Obs.] --Piers Plowman.

         On here bare knees adown they fall.      --Chaucer.
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