

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Hellenistic \Hel`le*nis"tic\, Hellenistical \Hel`le*nis"tic*al\,
   a. [Cf. F. Hell['e]nistique.]
   Pertaining to the Hellenists.

   {Hellenistic} {language, dialect, or idiom}, the Greek spoken
      or used by the Jews who lived in countries where the Greek
      language prevailed; the Jewish-Greek dialect or idiom of
      the Septuagint.

Hellenistic \Hel`le*nis"tic\, Hellenistical \Hel`le*nis"tic*al\,
   a. [Cf. F. Hell['e]nistique.]
   Pertaining to the Hellenists.

   {Hellenistic} {language, dialect, or idiom}, the Greek spoken
      or used by the Jews who lived in countries where the Greek
      language prevailed; the Jewish-Greek dialect or idiom of
      the Septuagint.

資料來源 : WordNet®

     adj : relating to or characteristic of the classical Greek
           civiliHzation [syn: {Hellenic}, {Hellenistical}]
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