

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fine \Fine\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fined}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Fining}.] [From {Fine}, a.]
   1. To make fine; to refine; to purify, to clarify; as, to
      fine gold.

            It hath been fined and refined by . . . learned men.

   2. To make finer, or less coarse, as in bulk, texture, etc.;
      as. to fine the soil. --L. H. Bailey.

   3. To change by fine gradations; as (Naut.), to fine down a
      ship's lines, to diminish her lines gradually.

            I often sate at home On evenings, watching how they
            fined themselves With gradual conscience to a
            perfect night.                        --Browning.

Fining \Fin"ing\, n.
   1. The act of imposing a fin?.

   2. The process of fining or refining; clarification; also
      (Metal.), the conversion of cast iron into suitable for
      puddling, in a hearth or charcoal fire.

   3. That which is used to refine; especially, a preparation of
      isinglass, gelatin, etc., for clarifying beer.

   {Fining pot}, a vessel in which metals are refined. --Prov.
      xvii. 3.
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