

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fetch \Fetch\ (?; 224), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fetched} 2; p. pr.
   & vb. n.. {Fetching}.] [OE. fecchen, AS. feccan, perh. the
   same word as fetian; or cf. facian to wish to get, OFries.
   faka to prepare. [root] 77. Cf. {Fet}, v. t.]
   1. To bear toward the person speaking, or the person or thing
      from whose point of view the action is contemplated; to go
      and bring; to get.

            Time will run back and fetch the age of gold.

            He called to her, and said, Fetch me, I pray thee, a
            little water in a vessel, that I may drink. And as
            she was going to fetch it he called to her, and
            said, Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bred in
            thine hand.                           --1 Kings
                                                  xvii. 11, 12.

   2. To obtain as price or equivalent; to sell for.

            Our native horses were held in small esteem, and
            fetched low prices.                   --Macaulay.

   3. To recall from a swoon; to revive; -- sometimes with to;
      as, to fetch a man to.

            Fetching men again when they swoon.   --Bacon.

   4. To reduce; to throw.

            The sudden trip in wrestling that fetches a man to
            the ground.                           --South.

   5. To bring to accomplishment; to achieve; to make; to
      perform, with certain objects; as, to fetch a compass; to
      fetch a leap; to fetch a sigh.

            I'll fetch a turn about the garden.   --Shak.

            He fetches his blow quick and sure.   --South.

   6. To bring or get within reach by going; to reach; to arrive
      at; to attain; to reach by sailing.

            Meantine flew our ships, and straight we fetched The
            siren's isle.                         --Chapman.

   7. To cause to come; to bring to a particular state.

            They could n't fetch the butter in the churn. --W.

   {To fetch a compass} (Naut.), to make a sircuit; to take a
      circuitious route going to a place.

   {To fetch a pump}, to make it draw water by pouring water
      into the top and working the handle.

   {To fetch} {headway or sternway} (Naut.), to move ahead or

   {To fetch out}, to develop. ``The skill of the polisher
      fetches out the colors [of marble]'' --Addison.

   {To fetch up}.
      (a) To overtake. [Obs.] ``Says [the hare], I can fetch up
          the tortoise when I please.'' --L'Estrange.
      (b) To stop suddenly.
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