
Fen goose

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fen \Fen\, n. [AS. fen, fenn, marsh, mud, dirt; akin to D. veen,
   OFries. fenne, fene, OHG. fenna, G. fenn, Icel. fen, Goth.
   fani mud.]
   Low land overflowed, or covered wholly or partially with
   water, but producing sedge, coarse grasses, or other aquatic
   plants; boggy land; moor; marsh.

         'Mid reedy fens wide spread.             --Wordsworth.

   Note: Fen is used adjectively with the sense of belonging to,
         or of the nature of, a fen or fens.

   {Fen boat}, a boat of light draught used in marshes.

   {Fen duck} (Zo["o]l.), a wild duck inhabiting fens; the
      shoveler. [Prov. Eng.]

   {Fen fowl} (Zo["o]l.), any water fowl that frequent fens.

   {Fen goose} (Zo["o]l.), the graylag goose of Europe. [Prov.

   {Fen land}, swamp land.

Goose \Goose\ (g[=oo]s), n.; pl. {Geese} (g[=e]s). [OE. gos, AS.
   g[=o]s, pl. g[=e]s; akin to D. & G. gans, Icel. g[=a]s, Dan.
   gaas, Sw. g[*a]s, Russ. guse. OIr. geiss, L. anser, for
   hanser, Gr. chh`n, Skr. ha[.m]sa. [root]233. Cf. {Gander},
   {Gannet}, {Ganza}, {Gosling}.] (Zo["o]l.)
   1. Any large web-footen bird of the subfamily {Anserin[ae]},
      and belonging to {Anser}, {Branta}, {Chen}, and several
      allied genera. See {Anseres}.

   Note: The common domestic goose is believed to have been
         derived from the European graylag goose ({Anser
         anser}). The bean goose ({A. segetum}), the American
         wild or Canada goose ({Branta Canadensis}), and the
         bernicle goose ({Branta leucopsis}) are well known
         species. The American white or snow geese and the blue
         goose belong to the genus {Chen}. See {Bernicle},
         {Emperor goose}, under {Emperor}, {Snow goose}, {Wild
         goose}, {Brant}.

   2. Any large bird of other related families, resembling the
      common goose.

   Note: The Egyptian or fox goose ({Alopochen [AE]gyptiaca})
         and the African spur-winged geese ({Plectropterus})
         belong to the family {Plectropterid[ae]}. The
         Australian semipalmated goose ({Anseranas semipalmata})
         and Cape Barren goose ({Cereopsis
         Nov[ae]-Hollandi[ae]}) are very different from northern
         geese, and each is made the type of a distinct family.
         Both are domesticated in Australia.

   3. A tailor's smoothing iron, so called from its handle,
      which resembles the neck of a goose.

   4. A silly creature; a simpleton.

   5. A game played with counters on a board divided into
      compartments, in some of which a goose was depicted.

            The pictures placed for ornament and use, The twelve
            good rules, the royal game of goose.  --Goldsmith.

   {A wild goose chase}, an attempt to accomplish something
      impossible or unlikely of attainment.

   {Fen goose}. See under {Fen}.

   {Goose barnacle} (Zo["o]l.), any pedunculated barnacle of the
      genus {Anatifa} or {Lepas}; -- called also {duck
      barnacle}. See {Barnacle}, and {Cirripedia}.

   {Goose cap}, a silly person. [Obs.] --Beau. & .

   {Goose corn} (Bot.), a coarse kind of rush ({Juncus

   {Goose feast}, Michaelmas. [Colloq. Eng.]

   {Goose flesh}, a peculiar roughness of the skin produced by
      cold or fear; -- called also {goose skin}.
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