

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Felicity \Fe*lic"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Felicities}. [OE. felicite, F.
   f['e]licit['e], fr. L. felicitas, fr. felix, -icis, happy,
   fruitful; akin to fetus.]
   1. The state of being happy; blessedness; blissfulness;
      enjoyment of good.

            Our own felicity we make or find.     --Johnson.

            Finally, after this life, to attain everlasting joy
            and felicity.                         --Book of
                                                  Common Prayer.

   2. That which promotes happiness; a successful or gratifying
      event; prosperity; blessing.

            the felicities of her wonderful reign. --Atterbury.

   3. A pleasing faculty or accomplishment; as, felicity in
      painting portraits, or in writing or talking. ``Felicity
      of expression.'' --Bp. Warburton.

   Syn: Happiness; bliss; beatitude; blessedness; blissfulness.
        See {Happiness}.
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