

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Emphatic \Em*phat"ic\, Emphatical \Em*phat"ic*al\, a. [Gr. ?:
   cf. F. emphatique. See {Emphasis}.]
   1. Uttered with emphasis; made prominent and impressive by a
      peculiar stress of voice; laying stress; deserving of
      stress or emphasis; forcible; impressive; strong; as, to
      remonstrate in am emphatic manner; an emphatic word; an
      emphatic tone; emphatic reasoning.

   2. Striking the sense; attracting special attention;
      impressive; forcible. ``Emphatical colors.'' --Boyle.
      ``Emphatical evils.'' --Bp. Reynolds.

   Syn: Forcible; earnest; impressive; energetic; striking;
        positive; important; special; significant.
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