
Dictamnus Fraxinella

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Dittany \Dit"ta*ny\, n. [OE. dytane, detane, dytan, OF. ditain,
   F. dictame, L. dictamnum, fr. Gr. di`ktamnon, di`ktamnos, a
   plant growing in abundance on Mount Dicte in Crete. Cf.
   {Dittander}.] (Bot.)
   (a) A plant of the Mint family ({Origanum Dictamnus}), a
       native of Crete.
   (b) The {Dictamnus Fraxinella}. See {Dictamnus}.
   (c) In America, the {Cunila Mariana}, a fragrant herb of the
       Mint family.
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