
Denmark satin

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Satin \Sat"in\, n. [F. satin (cf. Pg. setim), fr. It. setino,
   from seta silk, L. saeta, seta, a thick, stiff hair, a
   bristle; or possibly ultimately of Chinese origin; cf. Chin.
   sz-t["u]n, sz-twan. Cf. {Sateen}.]
   A silk cloth, of a thick, close texture, and overshot woof,
   which has a glossy surface.

         Cloths of gold and satins rich of hue.   --Chaucer.

   {Denmark satin}, a kind of lasting; a stout worsted stuff,
      woven with a satin twill, used for women's shoes.

   {Farmer's satin}. See under {Farmer}.

   {Satin bird} (Zo["o]l.), an Australian bower bird. Called
      also {satin grackle}.

   {Satin flower} (Bot.) See {Honesty}, 4.

   {Satin spar}. (Min.)
   (a) A fine fibrous variety of calcite, having a pearly
   (b) A similar variety of gypsum.

   {Satin sparrow} (Zo["o]l.), the shining flycatcher ({Myiagra
      nitida}) of Tasmania and Australia. The upper surface of
      the male is rich blackish green with a metallic luster.

   {Satin stone}, satin spar.

Denmark satin \Den"mark sat"in\
   See under {Satin}.
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