
Chemical fuze

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fuze \Fuze\, n.
   A tube, filled with combustible matter, for exploding a
   shell, etc. See {Fuse}, n.

   {Chemical fuze}, a fuze in which substances separated until
      required for action are then brought into contact, and
      uniting chemically, produce explosion.

   {Concussion fuze}, a fuze ignited by the striking of the

   {Electric fuze}, a fuze which is ignited by heat or a spark
      produced by an electric current.

   {Friction fuze}, a fuze which is ignited by the heat evolved
      by friction.

   {Percussion fuze}, a fuze in which the ignition is produced
      by a blow on some fulminating compound.

   {Time fuze}, a fuze adapted, either by its length or by the
      character of its composition, to burn a certain time
      before producing an explosion.
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