
Caput mortuum

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Caput \Ca"put\ (k[=a]"p[u^]t), n.; pl. {Capita}
   (k[a^]p"[i^]*t[.a]). [L., the head.]
   1. (Anat.) The head; also, a knoblike protuberance or

   2. The top or superior part of a thing.

   3. (Eng.) The council or ruling body of the University of
      Cambridge prior to the constitution of 1856.

            Your caputs and heads of colleges.    --Lamb.

   {Caput mortuum}. [L., dead head.] (Old Chem.) The residuum
      after distillation or sublimation; hence, worthless
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