
Capricorn beetle

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Capricorn \Cap"ri*corn\, n. [L. capricornus; caper goat + cornu
   horn: cf. F. capricorne.]
   1. (Astron.) The tenth sign of zodiac, into which the sun
      enters at the winter solstice, about December 21. See

            The sun was entered into Capricorn.   --Dryden.

   2. (Astron.) A southern constellation, represented on ancient
      monuments by the figure of a goat, or a figure with its
      fore part like a fish.

   {Capricorn beetle} (Zo["o]l.), any beetle of the family
      {Carambucid[ae]}; one of the long-horned beetles. The
      larv[ae] usually bore into the wood or bark of trees and
      shrubs and are often destructive. See {Girdler}, {Pruner}.
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