
Bayonet clutch

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Bayonet \Bay"o*net\, n. [F. bayonnette, ba["i]onnette; -- so
   called, it is said, because the first bayonets were made at
   1. (Mil.) A pointed instrument of the dagger kind fitted on
      the muzzle of a musket or rifle, so as to give the soldier
      increased means of offense and defense.

   Note: Originally, the bayonet was made with a handle, which
         required to be fitted into the bore of the musket after
         the soldier had fired.

   2. (Mach.) A pin which plays in and out of holes made to
      receive it, and which thus serves to engage or disengage
      parts of the machinery.

   {Bayonet clutch}. See {Clutch}.

   {Bayonet joint}, a form of coupling similar to that by which
      a bayonet is fixed on the barrel of a musket. --Knight.

Clutch \Clutch\ (kl[u^]ch; 224), n. [OE. cloche, cloke, claw,
   Scot. clook, cleuck, also OE. cleche claw, clechen, cleken,
   to seize; cf. AS. gel[ae]ccan (where ge- is a prefix) to
   seize. Cf. {Latch} a catch.]
   1. A gripe or clinching with, or as with, the fingers or
      claws; seizure; grasp. ``The clutch of poverty.''

            An expiring clutch at popularity.     --Carlyle.

            But Age, with his stealing steps, Hath clawed me in
            his clutch.                           --Shak.

   2. pl. The hands, claws, or talons, in the act of grasping
      firmly; -- often figuratively, for power, rapacity, or
      cruelty; as, to fall into the clutches of an adversary.

            I must have . . . little care of myself, if I ever
            more come near the clutches of such a giant. --Bp.

   3. (Mach.) A device which is used for coupling shafting,
      etc., so as to transmit motion, and which may be
      disengaged at pleasure.

   4. Any device for gripping an object, as at the end of a
      chain or tackle.

   5. (Zo["o]l.) The nest complement of eggs of a bird.

   {Bayonet clutch} (Mach.), a clutch in which connection is
      made by means of bayonets attached to arms sliding on a
      feathered shaft. The bayonets slide through holes in a
      crosshead fastened on the shaft.
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