

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Battledoor \Bat"tle*door`\, n. [OE. batyldour. A corrupted form
   of uncertain origin; cf. Sp. batallador a great combatant, he
   who has fought many battles, Pg. batalhador, Pr. batalhador,
   warrior, soldier, fr. L. battalia; or cf. Pr. batedor batlet,
   fr. batre to beat, fr. L. batuere. See {Battle}, n.]
   1. An instrument, with a handle and a flat part covered with
      parchment or crossed with catgut, used to strike a
      shuttlecock in play; also, the play of battledoor and

   2. [OE. battleder.] A child's hornbook. [Obs.] --Halliwell.
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