
Arabian bird

資料來源 : pyDict


資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Arabian \A*ra"bi*an\, a.
   Of or pertaining to Arabia or its inhabitants.

   {Arabian bird}, the phenix. --Shak.

Bird \Bird\ (b[~e]rd), n. [OE. brid, bred, bird, young bird,
   bird, AS. bridd young bird. [root]92.]
   1. Orig., a chicken; the young of a fowl; a young eaglet; a
      nestling; and hence, a feathered flying animal (see 2).

            That ungentle gull, the cuckoo's bird. --Shak.

            The brydds [birds] of the aier have nestes.
                                                  (Matt. viii.

   2. (Zo["o]l.) A warm-blooded, feathered vertebrate provided
      with wings. See {Aves}.

   3. Specifically, among sportsmen, a game bird.

   4. Fig.: A girl; a maiden.

            And by my word! the bonny bird In danger shall not
            tarry.                                --Campbell.

   {Arabian bird}, the phenix.

   {Bird of Jove}, the eagle.

   {Bird of Juno}, the peacock.

   {Bird louse} (Zo["o]l.), a wingless insect of the group
      Mallophaga, of which the genera and species are very
      numerous and mostly parasitic upon birds. -- Bird mite
      (Zo["o]l.), a small mite (genera {Dermanyssus},
      {Dermaleichus} and allies) parasitic upon birds. The
      species are numerous.

   {Bird of passage}, a migratory bird.

   {Bird spider} (Zo["o]l.), a very large South American spider
      ({Mygale avicularia}). It is said sometimes to capture and
      kill small birds.

   {Bird tick} (Zo["o]l.), a dipterous insect parasitic upon
      birds (genus {Ornithomyia}, and allies), usually winged.
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