
Aptenodytes Patachonica

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Penguin \Pen"guin\, n. [Perh. orig. the name of another bird,
   and fr. W. pen head + gwyn white; or perh. from a native
   South American name.]
   1. (Zo["o]l.) Any bird of the order Impennes, or Ptilopteri.
      They are covered with short, thick feathers, almost
      scalelike on the wings, which are without true quills.
      They are unable to fly, but use their wings to aid in
      diving, in which they are very expert. See {King penguin},
      under {Jackass}.

   Note: Penguins are found in the south temperate and antarctic
         regions. The king penguins ({Aptenodytes Patachonica},
         and {A. longirostris}) are the largest; the jackass
         penguins ({Spheniscus}) and the rock hoppers
         ({Catarractes}) congregate in large numbers at their
         breeding grounds.

   2. (Bot.) The egg-shaped fleshy fruit of a West Indian plant
      ({Bromelia Pinguin}) of the Pineapple family; also, the
      plant itself, which has rigid, pointed, and spiny-toothed
      leaves, and is used for hedges. [Written also {pinguin}.]

   {Arctic penguin} (Zo["o]l.), the great auk. See {Auk}.
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