

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Append \Ap*pend"\ ([a^]p*p[e^]nd"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
   {Appended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Appending}.] [L. appendere or F.
   appendre: cf. OE. appenden, apenden, to belong, OF. apendre,
   F. appendre, fr. L. append[=e]re, v. i., to hang to,
   append[e^]re, v. t., to hang to; ad + pend[=e]re, v. i., to
   hang, pend[e^]re, v. t., to hang. See {Pendant}.]
   1. To hang or attach to, as by a string, so that the thing is
      suspended; as, a seal appended to a record; the
      inscription was appended to the column.

   2. To add, as an accessory to the principal thing; to annex;
      as, notes appended to this chapter.

            A further purpose appended to the primary one. --I.
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