
Aerated bread

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Aerate \A"["e]r*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {A["e]rated}; p. pr. &
   vb. n. {A["e]rating}.] [Cf. F. a['e]rer. See {Air}, v. t.]
   1. To combine or charge with gas; usually with carbonic acid
      gas, formerly called fixed air.

            His sparkling sallies bubbled up as from a["e]rated
            natural fountains.                    --Carlyle.

   2. To supply or impregnate with common air; as, to a["e]rate
      soil; to a["e]rate water.

   3. (Physiol.) To expose to the chemical action of air; to
      oxygenate (the blood) by respiration; to arterialize.

   {A["e]rated bread}, bread raised by charging dough with
      carbonic acid gas, instead of generating the gas in the
      dough by fermentation.

Bread \Bread\, n. [AS. bre['a]d; akin to OFries. br[=a]d, OS.
   br?d, D. brood, G. brod, brot, Icel. brau?, Sw. & Dan.
   br["o]d. The root is probably that of E. brew. ? See {Brew}.]
   1. An article of food made from flour or meal by moistening,
      kneading, and baking.


   {Raised bread} is made with yeast, salt, and sometimes a
      little butter or lard, and is mixed with warm milk or
      water to form the dough, which, after kneading, is given
      time to rise before baking.

   {Cream of tartar bread} is raised by the action of an
      alkaline carbonate or bicarbonate (as saleratus or
      ammonium bicarbonate) and cream of tartar (acid tartrate
      of potassium) or some acid.

   {Unleavened bread} is usually mixed with water and salt only.

   {A["e]rated bread}. See under {A["e]rated}.

   {Bread and butter} (fig.), means of living.

   {Brown bread}, {Indian bread}, {Graham bread}, {Rye and
   Indian bread}. See {Brown bread}, under {Brown}.

   {Bread tree}. See {Breadfruit}.

   2. Food; sustenance; support of life, in general.

            Give us this day our daily bread.     --Matt. vi. 11
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