

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Adaw \A*daw"\, v. t. [Cf. OE. adawe of dawe, AS. of dagum from
   days, i. e., from life, out of life.]
   To subdue; to daunt. [Obs.]

         The sight whereof did greatly him adaw.  --Spenser.

Adaw \A*daw"\, v. t. & i. [OE. adawen to wake; pref. a- (cf.
   Goth. us-, Ger. er-) + dawen, dagon, to dawn. See {Daw}.]
   To awaken; to arouse. [Obs.]

         A man that waketh of his sleep He may not suddenly well
         taken keep Upon a thing, ne seen it parfitly Till that
         he be adawed verily.                     --Chaucer.
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