
AEgeria or Sannina exitiosa

資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Peach \Peach\, n. [OE. peche, peshe, OF. pesche, F. p[^e]che,
   fr. LL. persia, L. Persicum (sc. malum) a Persian apple, a
   peach. Cf. {Persian}, and {Parsee}.] (Bot.)
   A well-known high-flavored juicy fruit, containing one or two
   seeds in a hard almond-like endocarp or stone; also, the tree
   which bears it ({Prunus, or Amygdalus Persica}). In the wild
   stock the fruit is hard and inedible.

   {Guinea}, or {Sierra Leone}, {peach}, the large edible berry
      of the {Sarcocephalus esculentus}, a rubiaceous climbing
      shrub of west tropical Africa.

   {Palm peach}, the fruit of a Venezuelan palm tree ({Bactris

   {Peach color}, the pale red color of the peach blossom.

   {Peach-tree borer} (Zo["o]l.), the larva of a clearwing moth
      ({[AE]geria, or Sannina, exitiosa}) of the family
      {[AE]geriid[ae]}, which is very destructive to peach trees
      by boring in the wood, usually near the ground; also, the
      moth itself. See Illust. under {Borer}.
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