資料來源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Piperazine \Pi*per"a*zine\, n. Also -zin \-zin\ . [Piperidine +
azote + -ine.] (Chem.)
A crystalline substance, {(C2H4NH)2}, formed by action of
ammonia on ethylene bromide, by reduction of pyrazine, etc.
It is a strong base, and is used as a remedy for gout.
Pyrazine \Pyr"a*zine\, n. Also -zin \-zin\ . [Pyridine + Gr. ?
not + ? life.] (Org. Chem.)
A feebly basic solid, {C4H4N2}, obtained by distilling
piperazine with zinc dust, and in other ways. Also, by
extension, any of various derivatives of the same.